Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Young Women in Excellence was today. It was a really cool program. First, there was a song, and the conducting of the music ,done by yours truly (remind me to tell you about the first time I was chorister in front of a crowd.). then a prayer, and a talk by our Young Women Leader, Sister P. She is so sweet; I love her. Then, here comes the fun part.
I came early and set up our tables with the project that I did for personal progress. Mine was Faith, and I had planted a garden, along with our family. So, on my table, I put apples from our apple tree, the home-made apple chips and jar of applesauce that we made. Then, each young women gave a little splurb about what there value is, and what they learned from it. There were two YW leaders from the stake here, and it was soooooo much fun. I was nervous and stuttered a little, but otherwwise, I think I did a good job.
So then they had refreshments...mingled...then went home. Our home teacher and his daughter came to our house and dropped of TILLAMOOK MUDSLIDE ice cream!!! Our favorite!
I'll talk to you later!